Sucker Punch (The Zigger Zagger to End All Zigger Zaggers)

Have you seen the movie Sucker Punch? No? Well what the hell are you waiting for? You’re missing out on one of the most mind blowing movies of 2011. Unfortunately this blog post isn’t about the really awesome psychological thriller that involves a bunch of steampunk, giant robots, and really hot girls with swords and enough artillery to arm a country for a life time. This blog post has to do with the blow life deals to you when you least expect it. That blow to the face and even the crotch when when you least expect it, the blow that hits you so hard you’ll spend a long time figuring out where it came from when the answer is standing dead in your face like a reflection in the mirror or a zit on your face. Continue reading

All I Want For My Birthday is a Big Booty Hoe (A Look Back At an Epic Year of Blogging)

Damn! You mean this blog is really a year old? Wow, It’s still hard to believe I’ve been writing this blog for an entire year. 50 something posts later and I’m still getting started. Before we take a look back through a great year I just want to take this time to thank all of my loyal readers, you guys are the reason why I delicate the energy I do to this blog. It is an honor to have the opportunity to use my experiences to enlighten everyone. Well without further adieu, lets go through my top favorite blog posts from the year in chronological order. This list will serve as a refresher for those who have been reading my blog since the beginning and as a sampler for any newcomers. Continue reading

Those Days Where Your Best Doesn’t Feel Like it’s Good Enough

So one day I’m at an arcade playing DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) and as usual, a crowd forms around me because it isn’t everyday that they see people who could move so fast with such precision. When the song is said and done with, everyone applauds and is totally floored by my performance. Everyone is in awe and people think it’s the greatest thing they’ve seen. Everyone watching believes it was incredibly stellar, everyone except me. You see, every seems to be in awe that I managed to hit about 490/500+ steps in one song. I on the other hand am in awe that I missed those ten arrows and should have been able to hit them. While everyone is in awe about what they just saw, I’m sitting there analyzing EVERYTHING I did wrong. There is no longer “I did the best I could”, there is only “that totally sucked, I can do so much better, that was pathetic”. In those moments I realized that I ‘m perfectionist and that I seem t never take what I can get. Continue reading

Hold On, So You’re Saying I Made a Difference In Your Child’s Life? Nah, You Must Have the Wrong Person.

For the longest time I never really thought of myself beyond just another person floating around on this planet just living life. I never really went out of my way to make a difference in anyone’s life. I woke up, played video games, watched tv, watched movies, occasionally went out and when the summer came, I worked as a camp counselor at Easter Seals Explorers Camp. I never went above and beyond, I just did what was expected so you would understand why I was so baffled to find out recently that I was the reason one of our former campers decided to become a counselor or that I’m the reason why a camper I had from the previous year wanted to come back and even went as far as telling his mother and our ABA therapist that as long as I was there then everything would be fine. Continue reading

A Letter to My Younger Self #1

Hello world, welcome to another exciting entry from the epicness that is my blog. Today I will attempt something that another fellow blogger recommended to me over lunch. By the way before I continue you can find her blog in the link below.

Perfectly Imperfecta

Now I had a tricky time trying to figure out which me I would write myself a letter to. I’ve been through many tricky situations in my life and there were several phases of my life where a letter from my future self was needed but there was one particular moment in my life where I think I needed it the most. As a referenced in an earlier blog post, the summer of 2010 was probably one of the darkest times of my life and the first time in my life I ever contemplated suicide. I shall start this series off by writing to my 22 year old self.

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From East to West Explorers Camp’s the Best

Hello world, The Epic Autistic is back from another epic week with Easter Seals’ Explorers Camp. Once again it was a phenomenal week that helped me grow as a person and a leader. This year was particularly interesting in the sense that I got a very imaginative camper who at times was a mirror image of me in my youth. Unfortunately it was through him that I was once again reminded of the harsh realities of being different.

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It’s That Wonderful Time of the Year

Hi world, if you’ve gotten this Facebook, WordPress or Twitter notification then you know what time it is. Another epic blog post from your neighborhood Epic Autistic. I have left Boston to get myself ready for one of my favorite activities of the year, EXPLORERS CAMP!!!!!!! Now for those who didn’t read my previous blog posts or need a refresher, Explorers Camp is a one week overnight camp for youth on the Autism Spectrum. Of all the things I do during the summer it is one of the activities that makes my summer complete and probably the most challenging yet rewarding week ill do all year. Nothing can top the joy that as catering to children on the Autism Spectrum, not even the best movie or video game ever. I’m still at a cross roads of whether I should make a permanent career of this or continue with trying to be a full time video game music composer but I’ll hopefully figure that out within a decent time frame.

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It is Purpose that Created Us, Purpose that Drives Us

We’re all put here by what ever force you want to believe in to do something. If anyone told you that you’re one in billions, that your life against the life of others doesn’t hold some sort of merit then someone lied. For some of us we know from day one what our purposeĀ in this world is but for the rest of us, it can take some serious soul searching and years before we realize what we’re meant to do and some unfortunately leave this moral coil before even realizing what their purpose is.

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